This e-learning course is a part of International Youth Studies course. It has been developed to introduce, explain or expand on existing knowledge and experience in relation to delivering youth work. In seeking to meet the best outcomes for youth workers, this course encourages consideration of how best to ensure young people across the EU member states and the Eastern Partnership countries have opportunities to engage with non-formal learning within the youth organisation environment.
This course will consider youth work provision during life-long learning time and will focus mainly on engaging young people. In developing this course, experienced partners have explored this subject on several levels, resulting in some practical support and ideas to help practitioners across the Europe.
The ideas and opinions expressed within this course are not intended to be a prescriptive way of delivering youth work in all environments. The e-learning course with 8 modules offers suggested methods and approaches. Good youth work practice expects practitioners to adapt any model or ideology to best meet the needs of the beneficiaries and where possible, to share with others new methodologies and practical ideas to more widely benefit young people.
As a learner you are encouraged to delve into the other courses and books to find a plethora of practical resources and good practice theory to enhance your youth work practice and deliver the best possible outcomes for young people in your country.