- Aim
The aim of the module is to introduce the main assumption of youth participation and empowerment through youth work and non-formal educational methodology.
- To give a basic understanding of various participation theories
- To reflect on the meaning of youth participation
- To explore the level of participation and its peculiarities
- To provide existed legal base and human right approach concept in regard to youth participation
- Why it is important to include this Module in InYouS Course;
Youth work as a social practice makes an important contribution to active citizenship and youth participation by providing opportunities to acquire the values, attitudes, skills, knowledge and critical understanding required for effective civic engagement and social action in democratic culture.
An African proverb says, “The one wearing the shoes knows exactly where they hurt”.
- Where can be used the knowledge and skills provided by this Module
Skills and knowledge provided by this module can be used in youth work it is recommend both for non-governmental and agencies as well as students from the social science disciplines.