
Communication and interpersonal skills play great role in modern youth work. The keys for effective communications will be presented in this e-learning course, which aims to help youth workers to gain success when working with young people.

Modern communication is not only the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages. Today the process is much more developed and presents a mixture of face-to-face communication and always plus social media and other online inclusive platforms. Interpersonal skills are not only a part of communication where it is just about what is actually said. Here we face mostly with the language used and the ways how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language.

When two or more people are in the same place and are aware of each other's presence, then communication is taking place, no matter how subtle or unintentional. Without speech, an observer may be using cues of posture, facial expression, and dress to form an impression of the other's role, emotional state, personality and/or intentions. Although no communication may be intended, people receive messages through such forms of non-verbal behaviour.

This e-learning course has 8 fully developed modules which will step by step improve youth workers knowledge and equip them with new and highly required skills when working with young people.

1. Communication in modern era

2. Forms of communication

3. Channels for messages

4. Verbal and nonverbal communication

5. Role of listening in communication

6. Youth friendly communication

7. Interpersonal communication processes

8. Effective communication in youth work

These 8 modules will help you to learn how to communicate more effectively and achieve your goals. Being a part of InYouS e-learning course, this is an essential study opportunity designed to give you both the tools you need to improve your communication skills, and the most successful strategies for using them to your advantage in youth work.

Through this course you will learn how to discover if someone is lying (and how to react if they are), how to develop trust, the best method of communication for negotiation, and how to apologize. You will also learn when to cooperate and when to compete, how to create persuasive messages, ask thoughtful questions, engage in active listening, and choose the right medium (face-to-face conversation, video conference, phone call, or email) for your messages.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to understand what young people want, respond strategically to their wants and needs, craft convincing and clear messages, and develop the critical communication skills you need to get ahead in business and in life.

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