As it is said, all good things come to end, it is also happening with the Module “Evaluation in youth work”. We already talked a lot about concept of evaluation, its aims and objectives, evaluation models, actors, types and timing of evaluation, planning and preparing for evaluation, learned different evaluation methods and focused on importance of reflection and feedback, explore self-assessment, found out about finishing and reporting.
The last logical part of knowledge and skills with the answer to the question “what is next” is missing. This part of the Module titled “Follow-up” aims to fulfill this need.
Although all good things come to end, it is important that the last day of the project is not the end of the young person's development and not the end of youth work done. Development process should be continued. That is why follow-up activities as well as visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results are very important features of the youth work. It helps to make the most out of your project and create the best outcome possible.
For some stakeholders follow-up and dissemination can be the main indicator of results and effectiveness of your projects and your work.
So, as you can see, there are a lot of reasons why the value of follow-up as the finishing part of evaluation and the project itself should not be underestimated.
In this last chapter of Module you will find out what is follow-up, how it indicate quality of youth work, what methods you can use and how to organize the follow-up of your projects.
It is time to make our last step that promises to bring us to the point where we will have enough skills to conduct effective evaluation in the frames of youth work and educational projects for youth.