Graphic Facilitation
Brief description of the topic
Graphic facilitation is a process of organizing group work aimed at achieving a team’s goals and objectives (forming a vision and values, setting goals, planning steps, etc.) in which interactive visual communication techniques are actively used. Graphic facilitation, as a rule, takes place in two main formats:
with preliminary preparation (visual template method). It implies an opportunity for the facilitator or trainer to prepare in advance and bring large-format visual materials for the team to the session / training / round table.
without preparation (synchronous visual work with teams). The graphic facilitator does not have the opportunity to prepare a template in advance, since the proposals, options, solutions, etc., that are born from the participants directly during the session or training are visualized.
Benefits of Graphic Facilitation
Revitalization of consciousness.
Formation of a common understanding.
Gain group memory.
Involvement of participants in the facilitation process.
Distribution of agreements reached.
Graphic facilitation is a universal method that can be used when conducting training, working meetings, meetings, facilitation sessions: a retrospective, creative, forming a vision, planning, etc., round tables and panel discussions, group discussions, preparing and conducting presentations, etc. .d.
Graphic Facilitation
Visual communication techniques in training and group work development are very fast, and a huge number of youth workers, community leaders, speakers, trainers, mentors and facilitators are already using them in their work. We have already found out what is common and what are the differences between: scribing, sketching, illustrations and graphic facilitation. You already know exactly which visualization options are used and where they are intended for. Therefore, in this topic we will study in more detail exactly the tool of graphic facilitation.
Graphic facilitation is a process of organizing group work aimed at achieving a team’s goals and objectives (forming a vision and values, setting goals, planning steps, etc.) in which interactive visual communication techniques are actively used. Graphic facilitation, as a rule, takes place in two main formats - with preliminary preparation (visual template method) and without preparation (synchronous visual work with teams).
Visual template method
This option of graphic facilitation implies the opportunity for the facilitator or trainer to prepare in advance and bring large-format visual materials for the team to the session / training / round table. A graphic (visual template) can be used as one for the entire event, or several templates - one for one team or one template for each thematic block. A facilitator with a team can fill out a template in several options - textual (lists), visual (text + images) or using stickers (teams paste their cards into the places prepared for this), thereby creating interactivity and getting involved in the process.
Synchronous Graphic Facilitation
In this case, the graphic facilitator does not have the opportunity to prepare the template in advance, since the proposals, options, solutions, etc. that are born from the participants directly during the session or training are visualized. This option of graphic facilitation is considered more complicated, since here it is necessary to be able to not only work with teams, manage group dynamics and develop an effective process for participants, but also grab meaning on the fly and select understandable and catchy visual images and structures for them and fix them. Often, a graphic facilitator works in tandem with a regular facilitator, or the same person is responsible for facilitation and visualization (especially in large sessions).
Benefits of Graphic Facilitation
What is useful graphic facilitation in working with youth? Let’s figure out why youth workers, acting as facilitators, can use visualization techniques in group work.
- Activation of consciousness
The use of visual images, especially metaphorical ones, in group work allows participants to go beyond the usual ideas that lie on the surface. In this case, for example, the visual template acts as a good assistant to the facilitator, who takes on part of the work to expand the horizons of thinking and reframing the situation.
2. Building a common understanding
Fixation of visual images that are born during a training or facilitation session allows all participants to have a common idea about the agreements reached, because each participant can perceive the same wording only in text form in different ways.
3. Gain group memory
Visual reinforcement of the intermediate and final results of the session provides the best (due to emotional involvement) memorization of the entire content of the training or session. Practicing graphic facilitators mark a greater transition to the life and working practice of participants of exactly the material that was presented in a visual format. At this point, graphic facilitation is based on the psychology of perception and memory.
4. Involvement of participants in the facilitation process
Both prepared and synchronized visualization options increase the involvement of participants in the process of teamwork. This happens, among other things, due to the fact that participants actively participate in the formation of the proposals themselves, as well as being involved in rethinking the agreements reached through the prism of visualization. A particularly large difference compared with conventional facilitation is observed in the work of large groups during successive presentations by teams of their results - participants are much more interested in listening to speeches accompanied by visual canvases than in a set of stickers with finely written text.
5. Dissemination of agreements
The visual results of the teams very quickly spread in the form of photos and video content. This allows participants to involve even more people in the discussion of the issue, to show the importance of the problem. Participants again and again return to the results of the team’s work, use already fixed visual images in their further work, for example, presentations of work results, reports.
What tasks can I use graphic facilitation in YW
Graphic facilitation is a universal method that can be used when conducting training, working meetings, meetings, facilitation sessions: a retrospective, creative, forming a vision, planning, etc., round tables and panel discussions, group discussions, preparing and conducting presentations, etc.
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